Rosphalt® 50 Asphalt Additives
Rosphalt® 50 is a concentrated thermoplastic polymeric asphalt additive supplied to batch or drum plants in a dry powder form. When added at forty five (45 lbs) pounds per finished ton of asphalt mix (in a job mix formulation design with target air voids of 1% to1.5%). Rosphalt® 50 provides a waterproofing wear- course that is highly resistant to rutting and shoving and is also Fuel Resistant. Common applications are new and replacement overlays on composite, orthotropic steel, post tension box girder, steel grid, wood and other common bridge decking that require corrosion protection and a high performance, long lasting wearing course. Additional applications include road areas requiring high performance, rut and shove resistant pavements such as high traffic intersections, entrance and exit ramps, terminal turnarounds, toll booths, airports, ports & terminals and auto racetracks.
Easy Installation: Use of standard paving equipment and one-step integral waterproofing wearing course allows for rapid installation. Providing labor savings and quicker return to service when compared to competitive technology.
Rapid Return to Service: Rosphalt® overlays can be returned to service in as quickly as 1 hour (when pavement cools to 140°F).
Life Cycle Costs: Based on beam fatigue test data, Rosphalt® 50 mixtures have a typical life span of 3.5 times traditional PG64-22 polymer modified asphalt concrete pavements. This 3.5 times life span increase reduces the life cycle cost when using Rosphalt® 50 mixtures, creating an advantage when compared to alternate technologies.
Rut & Shove Resistance: Based on independent lab testing performed by the Asphalt Institute and Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Rosphalt® 50 mixtures exhibit almost 2/3 less rutting than PG64- 22.
- Nosing material in expansion joints
- Rut & shove resistance pavement Locations
- Bridge decks & Approaches
- Airport Runways / Taxiways (Fuel Resistant)
- Toll Booth Areas • Parking Garages • High Traffic Intersections • Race Tracks (Fuel Resistant)
- Concrete
- Asphalt
- Steel
- Composite
- Wood